Ba Zi Consultation

A few words to discuss: To make high-level, multi-level predictions, it is not possible to predict individually about the four pillars, but to synthesize all the facets of the faction / the general / the general / the fingerprint / in which the task is taken. master.

Self-service bowl help you succeed?

Read and answer the following questions, and you will understand this service

Who is my best friend, yes or no?

Who works for me (staff), colleagues?

Are you a smart person, a big player, an investor?

Smart slow but surely, or too fast

Money? more or less. Money due to small investments, to profit over time? Money invested, let others do, I just control?

Power is divided into: authoritarian or democratic power, also called defiance and honor?

How responsibilities: personal responsibility for themselves (accomplishing tasks) / collective responsibility (caring for the collective, for the sake of people)

I will help you discover yourself through the results of the Bazi consultation


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